Tag Archives: Ducati


This Week’s Thoughts…

I thought I would give you heads up as to what kind of topics will come up this week in my posts.  That is, if I can get any of them out.

First challenge is to convince my computer to not be so old and “save” or “undo” my work before the week is over.  Hence why I’m posting this so late in the day.

Second challenge?  Because I have small children, ideas, thoughts, topics pour in like a fountain, mount up like flapjacks and then get eaten up like rats going through a cheese factory.  So before this one falls out of my head…

This week’s theme:


You are perfect in your own imperfect and unique way.  Sure there are flaws that could be improved upon.  But we’ve become a culture fixated on being extra-ordinarily smart, beautiful, sexy, wealthy, witty, brave, right.  We are a society that competes for everything on every level.  We are so obsessed with superheros and superpowers.  And we buy into just about every gimmicky superhero serum that the media throws out there.  Like the hungry fish I saw as a kid clamoring for food at the Hoover Dam… yuck.

My personal opinion?  We’ve forgotten how wise and beautiful we really are because we’re trying to be something we’re not.  Its easy to do.  Some kid tells us we have buck-teeth or laughs when we do our happy dance because we got an A in Math.  We immediately shrink and that moment gets stuffed down.  But it doesn’t go anywhere.

So you take healthy action and get braces or take a dance class.  But those words lie quietly, slowly coming to life.  You continue to hear it whisper,  repeatedly getting louder those lies.  Next thing you know, you’ve bought a new butt to fortify your looks!  Or you’ve bought yourself a brand new Ducati to show off how cool you are when you’re… sitting down.

Those could be healthy endeavors, true.  Don’t get me wrong.  But did you stop to really look at yourself first?  Did you think to yourself, “What am I needing in my life right now to help me feel better about myself?”  Sometimes, it simply is a matter of accepting and loving that buck-tooth girl or that uncool-of-a-dancer guy, to get some peace in life.  The magic pill isn’t real.  No amount of money is going to get you the love and respect you honestly want and need.  And no one can give it to you…  that is, no one but you.

There’s a lot of wisdom that lies quietly in spaces that you’ve not yet checked into.  Those horrible lies are so terribly loud.  Tell them to shut up for awhile so you can visit with the wisdom and truth that is apart of you.  That part may surprise you with some sound advice like, “Use that money to take someone you love out to a celebratory dinner.  Tell them you all are celebrating their life and what a difference its made in yours.”  Or fine, buy that Ducati!  But be very clear about why you’re making that purchase it.  Don’t just get it and never dance again.  Dance you, dancing fool!  Be open and cheerful about who you are.

And don’t let nobody tell you different.

So I think I’ll be writing about coming to terms with how imperfect we are.  Well, not so much how imperfect you may be.  More like my own little stories of how and why I came to be the unsuperhero, Jane Do-It-All.

And for the new folks who just became apart of this here little community,        Hi Stefan!

I’d like to say welcome and thank you with a little video.  This one manages to always put a smile on my face.